Bill Clinton’s legacy |  Bosnia – Islam influence increases (12 Sep 1996)
Bill Clinton / Bosnia / Clinton Crimes / Iran / Islam / Islam - Ottoman Empire / Serbia / Yugoslavia

Bill Clinton’s legacy | Bosnia – Islam influence increases (12 Sep 1996)

Bill Clinton’s policies in the former Yugoslavia led to a massive influx of Jihadi terrorists of virtually every variety into Bosnia. They came in support of Alija Izetbegovic, an Islamic extremist and Nazi sympathizer, on the payroll of Iran who had been installed as President of Bosnia by the United States after failing to win election Continue reading

Kosovo Kristallnacht | Albanian paramilitary raid stores for Serbian products, burn them in streets, arrest Serbs
"Kosovars" / Albania / Clinton Crimes / Greater Albania / KLA / Kosovo / Kristallnacht / Leftist betrayal / Serbia / Yugoslavia

Kosovo Kristallnacht | Albanian paramilitary raid stores for Serbian products, burn them in streets, arrest Serbs

In an Albanian style Kristallnacht against Serbs, Western backed Albanian Narco-terrorist politicians and paramilitary units have been systematically purging stores of all Serbian products and burning them in the streets in Kosovo, Serbia’s Southern province.  Armed Albanian units are seizing Serbian civilians in their homes and taking them into custody. These events follow weeks of terror, in which Albanians burglarized … Continue reading

E vërteta: Kosova është Serbi – Serbia sends train to Kosovo to fight US-backed illegal occupation by Albanian drug lords, foreign forces
"Kosovars" / Clinton Crimes / genocide / Hillary Clinton / KLA / Kosovo / Serbia / Turkey / Yugoslavia

E vërteta: Kosova është Serbi – Serbia sends train to Kosovo to fight US-backed illegal occupation by Albanian drug lords, foreign forces

Inside, the carrige walls display medieval frescos from Serbian-built Christian monasteries in Kosovo, which today is predominantly Muslim.

Serbian official Djuric, however, said that the choice of decor should not be an issue.

“I don’t know why anyone would view these images, which are part of the world’s cultural heritage, as a provocation,” he told reporters.
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NATO says honored guest of Clinton Global Initiative Conclave is Albanian ‘Big Fish’ in organized crime, human organ trafficking “harvested” from Serbian captives
Bill Clinton / Clinton Crimes / Clinton Foundation / Hillary Clinton / KLA / Kosovo / Leftist betrayal / NATO / Yugoslavia

NATO says honored guest of Clinton Global Initiative Conclave is Albanian ‘Big Fish’ in organized crime, human organ trafficking “harvested” from Serbian captives

This is the person the Clintons invited to their Clinton Global Initiative Conclave three years in a row: First in 2011, and then again in 2012 and 2013, though Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s most senior aids including Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills were aware of and directly queried about Thaci’s involvement in human organ harvesting. Continue reading

How the election of an American billionaire for president became “a repudiation of the American power structure.”| Robert Reich
Donald Trump / Hillary Clinton

How the election of an American billionaire for president became “a repudiation of the American power structure.”| Robert Reich

“What has happened in America should not be seen as a victory for hatefulness over decency. It is more accurately understood as a repudiation of the American power structure…

Median family income is lower now than it was 16 years ago, adjusted for inflation. Workers without college degrees – the old working class – have fallen furthest. Most economic gains, meanwhile, have gone to top. These gains have translated into political power to elicit bank bailouts, corporate subsidies, special tax loopholes, favorable trade deals and increasing market power without interference by anti-monopoly enforcement – all of which have further reduced wages and pulled up profits.” — Robert Reich Continue reading

“We say the Liberals, the Democrats– all those folks — masturbate on Black pain in Haiti”| Èzili Dantò,  President of the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (VIDEO)
BLACK LIVES MATTER / Clinton Crimes / Clinton Foundation / Haiti / Hillary Clinton

“We say the Liberals, the Democrats– all those folks — masturbate on Black pain in Haiti”| Èzili Dantò, President of the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (VIDEO)

Haiti is home to the FOURTH largest U.S. embassy in the world: THE LARGEST American Embassy in the Western Hemisphere: Built, it is believed, to support U.S. efforts to plunder Haiti’s natural resources, that include huge deposits of oil and gold. Continue reading

Haitians demand return of BILLIONS stolen by Hillary and Bill Clinton – Protest N.Y. Attorney General Eric Schneiderman
Bill Clinton / BLACK LIVES MATTER / Clinton Crimes / Clinton Foundation / Haiti

Haitians demand return of BILLIONS stolen by Hillary and Bill Clinton – Protest N.Y. Attorney General Eric Schneiderman

“….the Clinton Foundation …. collects billions on behalf of poor non-white people all over the world; keeps billions for themselves and spends a few million on silly projects that will never allow their victims to get on their feet.[…] This Foundation is no more than a channel for the Clintons to enrich themselves, keep those loyal to them employed and amass a war chest so they can stay in power and out of jail.” Continue reading

Clinton Foundation Ties to Albanian Organ and Drug Trafficker Exposed in State Dept. Emails – U.S. backed Albanian P.M. of Kosovo Hashim Thaci
"Kosovars" / Bill Clinton / Clinton Crimes / Clinton Foundation / Hillary Clinton / KLA / Kosovo / Serbia

Clinton Foundation Ties to Albanian Organ and Drug Trafficker Exposed in State Dept. Emails – U.S. backed Albanian P.M. of Kosovo Hashim Thaci

“Is Thaci still embroiled in organ harvesting issues and is that of consequence?” Desai asked in the email, which the State Department recently released to Citizens United.

Desai clarified in a follow-up email that Thaci was actually prime minister at the time. He now serves as president of Kosovo.

Thaci and his Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) were first accused of human organ trafficking in 2010 in a report from the Council of Europe.
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