The CIA Roots of BDS? | Michael Rubin
BDS / CIA / Israel

The CIA Roots of BDS? | Michael Rubin

“Congressmen William Fitts Ryan and Benjamin Rosenthal, both New York Democrats, this weekend condemned the support of an anti-Israel organization by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. The Congressmen cited authoritative reports to the effect that the CIA has financed the American Friends of the Middle East, (AFME) a pro-Arab, anti-Israel propaganda front. They called for an investigation by President Johnson.” — Jewish Telegraph Agency on February 20, 1967 Continue reading

What really inspired the ‘Deep State’ to take down Michael Flynn?   Concern over alleged ‘ties’ to Russia?  Or  Flynn’s aggressive posture towards the Iranian Regime?
Al Qaeda / Donald Trump / Iran / Russia

What really inspired the ‘Deep State’ to take down Michael Flynn? Concern over alleged ‘ties’ to Russia? Or Flynn’s aggressive posture towards the Iranian Regime?

“Unfortunately, for nearly forty years every American administration has permitted the Islamic Republic [of Iran] to build up it’s strength, and even ORGANIZE ASSASSINATIONS IN OUR CAPITAL” — Lt. General Micheal T. Flynn, Field of Fight, 2016 Continue reading

“The White House is UNDER ATTACK from elements INSIDE the Intelligence Community” | Dennis Kucinich on  Michael Flynn resignation, wiretapping, leaks [Video]

“The White House is UNDER ATTACK from elements INSIDE the Intelligence Community” | Dennis Kucinich on Michael Flynn resignation, wiretapping, leaks [Video]

“What’s going on in the Intelligence Community with this new president [Trump] is unprecedented. They’re making every effort to upend him.

Who knows what the truth is anymore. It’s like. This is like MAD Magazine, like the electronic version of MAD magazine: Spy vs. Spy” — Former U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinich (Democrat)
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Georgetown University Professor defends Slavery, and Non-Consensual Sex under Islam | Chuck Ross [VIDEO]
Islam / Sharia / SLAVERY / State of Islam

Georgetown University Professor defends Slavery, and Non-Consensual Sex under Islam | Chuck Ross [VIDEO]

“Slavery cannot just be treated as a moral evil in and of itself because slavery doesn’t mean anything. The moral evil is extreme forms of deprivation of rights and extreme forms of control and extreme forms of exploitation. I don’t think it’s morally evil to own somebody because we own lots of people all around us, and we’re owned by people.” Continue reading

Report: 72 from “banned” countries already convicted for terror related offenses after entry into U.S.
Donald Trump / ISIS / ISIL / Islam / Islamic State / Syria

Report: 72 from “banned” countries already convicted for terror related offenses after entry into U.S.

“It shows that every category of immigration has seemed to be exploited by terrorists,” [Jessica] Vaughan said. “It’s not just people coming in on legal visas, it’s people we have admitted on green cards, some of whom have become citizens and that’s something that I don’t think has been fully appreciated.” Continue reading

Rogue Robes –  U.S. Ninth Circuit Court’s Putsch  | Robert Charles
"migrant crisis" / Donald Trump / ISIS / ISIL / Islam / Islamic State / Syria

Rogue Robes – U.S. Ninth Circuit Court’s Putsch | Robert Charles

“Where does one begin? The question was not whether to wander freely through headlines. The job was simple: Decide whether, given the President’s Article II prerogatives and authority as “Commander in Chief,” a single federal judge – one of 3,294 – can issue a sweeping, conclusory, nationwide “temporary restraining order” (TRO) halting implementation of a national security Executive Order (EO). ” — Robert Charles Continue reading

‘among the oldest of the world’s Peoples’ —  Understanding Jewish Aboriginal Rights  |  Allen Z. Hertz
"Palestinians" / Arab Occupation / Israel / Palestina / Palestinian movement / palestinien

‘among the oldest of the world’s Peoples’ — Understanding Jewish Aboriginal Rights | Allen Z. Hertz

Yusuf Ziya Pasha al-Khalidi was for ten years mayor of Jerusalem, where Jews were already the local majority. As a Muslim, an Arab and an Ottoman subject, he wrote (March 1, 1899) a letter opposing Zionism to the chief rabbi of France, Zadok Khan. Yusuf Pasha detailed why he thought Zionism impossible. But at the same time, he validated the Jewish claim to be aboriginal there: “Who can contest the rights of the Jews regarding Palestine? Good Lord, historically it is really your country!”

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CIA report warns of new Balkan War |
"Kosovars" / Bulgaria / Greater Albania / KLA / Kosovo / Macedonia / Serbia

CIA report warns of new Balkan War |

“American analysts write that the Balkan states, whose territories are affected by the project “Greater Albania”, will not sit idly and quietly watch how Albanians steal their territory. Moreover, they are convinced that in the case of an emergency, Serbs, Greeks, Bulgarians and Macedonians will join forces in the fight against Albanians. In that case the Balkans would become a region like the Middle East, and it is in no one’s interest, not even US,” says a well-informed diplomatic source. Continue reading

“Americans literally kidnapped Serbian land and gave it to the terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). “| French Colonel  Jacques Ogar (Hogard)
"Kosovars" / Bill Clinton / Britian / Clinton Crimes / France / genocide / KLA / Kosovo / Serbia / UN Peacekeepers

“Americans literally kidnapped Serbian land and gave it to the terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). “| French Colonel Jacques Ogar (Hogard)

“Americans literally kidnapped Serbian land and gave it to the terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). When I came to Kosovo, I quickly realized that the French chose the wrong side,” said Ogar.

“The British have played the role of peacekeepers in Kosovo, but in fact they fought along with the KLA terrorists against the Serbs. I remember early evening on 17 June 1999 when the KLA ambushed a column of Serbian civilians withdrawing with 200 tractors from Pec to Mitrovica” testifies Ogar.

When he received the report about the attack, he sent a helicopter to see the position of the KLA and then ordered burst fire on the positions of the KLA to “disperse the gang.”

“I was amazed when a few moments later British general Mae called me by radio, requesting to ‘stop shooting at his soldiers’,” said Colonel Ogar.

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