Eichmann bet on the Muslims to complete the task of “total annihilation” of the Jews
Israel / Nazi - Arab Alliance / Nazi - Islamic Alliance

Eichmann bet on the Muslims to complete the task of “total annihilation” of the Jews

‘But you, you 360 million Mohammedans, to whom I have had a strong inner connection since the days of my association with your Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, you, who have a greater truth in the surahs of your Koran, I call upon you to pass judgment on me. You children of Allah have known the Jews longer and better than the West has. Your noble Muftis and scholars of law may sit in judgment upon me and, at least in a symbolic way, give me your verdict.’ — Adolf Eichmann Continue reading

Ryan Bellerose | None is Too Many –  PROBATION For Perpetrators of Mob Assault On Jewish Family In Canada
Anti-Semitism / Gaza / Hamas / Holocaust / Israel / Palestinian movement / Ryan Bellerose

Ryan Bellerose | None is Too Many – PROBATION For Perpetrators of Mob Assault On Jewish Family In Canada

“During the attack, people were screaming “Kill the Jews” as my good friend’s nephew was dragged around by an Israeli flag tied around his neck. His daughter, my beautiful little friend who I see like a little sister, was punched in the face, thrown to ground, kicked repeatedly and had one scumbag run and try to jump on her head with both feet while she lay on the ground. My friends son was punched kicked and BITTEN, and his wife who had just had surgery, was punched in the stomach, all while my friend was held back and unable to help them.” Continue reading

Germans have had enough of the Holocaust! | Die Deutschen haben genug von der Holocaust hatte !
Anti-Semitism / Gaza / German Anti-Semitism / Holocaust / Israel / The Third Reich and Gun Control

Germans have had enough of the Holocaust! | Die Deutschen haben genug von der Holocaust hatte !

      A study was conducted by the Bertelsmann Foundation that gauged German perceptions towards the Holocaust and Israel. The study concluded that the vast majority of Germans, 81 percent in fact, want to put ‘the history of the persecution of the Jews behind them’. Many Germans also believe the Israeli treatment of “Palestinian” Arab children is equal to … Continue reading

Angela Davis’s hostility towards Israel not shared by Dr. King | Pastor Dumisani Washington sets the record straight
'Grand Mufti of Jerusalem' Haj Amin Al-Husseini / Angela Davis / Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. / Hamas / Israel / Nazi - Arab Alliance / PLO - FATAH

Angela Davis’s hostility towards Israel not shared by Dr. King | Pastor Dumisani Washington sets the record straight

One would hope that academics, those who profess to be scholars, those like Angela Davis of the University of California Santa Cruz, would insist upon accuracy in their work, their writings, their scholarship, in the political and social positions they advocate and champion.  Instead, when it comes to Israel they have abandoned critical analysis and historical fact, preferring … Continue reading

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Remembered –  a pro-Israel Legacy (in 5 minutes) | Dumisani Washington, Director for the Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel
Anti-Semitism / Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. / Israel / Los Palestinos / Palestinian movement / PLO - FATAH

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Remembered – a pro-Israel Legacy (in 5 minutes) | Dumisani Washington, Director for the Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel

What would MLK say about President Obama’s anti-Israel policies?   Would he agree?  Probably not.  Here’s why: Accompanying youtube notes: For more or to donate visit: http://www.ibsi-now.org Correction: Dr. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968 (not April 6) Directed by: Sara Washington Music: Randy Sandoli (bass), Katie Tanner (percussion) We reiterate the fact that this … Continue reading

YO SOY NISMAN | Argentinians take to the streets to protest the murder of Alberto Nisman
Alberto Nisman / Argentina / Iran

YO SOY NISMAN | Argentinians take to the streets to protest the murder of Alberto Nisman

 Argentinians have taken to the streets to voice outrage over the suspicious shooting death of  the Special Prosecutor Alberto Nisman.  His investigation revealed a deep cover-up that according to phone-taps, involved the President of Argentina.  But, his investigation did much more.  It also exposed the global scope of Iran’s criminal activities, engaging in corruption, fraud, intimidation, terrorism and murder … Continue reading