“Total Confrontation” –  Al-Qaida timeline published in 2005: “frightening and absurd, a lunatic plan conceived by fanatics” | جماعة الاخوان المسلمين
9/11 / al-Qaida / Deutschland / European Union / Germany / Iraq / ISIS / ISIL / Islam / Migrants / Muslim Brotherhood / Nazi - Islamic Alliance / Otto Remer / Sharia / Syrian Refugees / جماعة الاخوان المسلمين

“Total Confrontation” – Al-Qaida timeline published in 2005: “frightening and absurd, a lunatic plan conceived by fanatics” | جماعة الاخوان المسلمين

Why is so little is done to examine how this project, the invasive, militant expression and spread of Islam into the West does, in fact, align with elite interests?
There is a carefully cultivated belief among the Left and Muslims that Western leaders, the “global elite” are hostile to Islamic doctrine, that it is somehow contrary to their aims and objectives, that they – the “1 percenters” – have a vested interest in securing, and maintaining secularism, human rights, the rights of women, unions and labor protections, freedom of expression, the right to bear arms, privacy, assembly, and other civil liberties.
But, why would they, when these provide the means for opposition, dissent, and meaningful resistance?
Wouldn’t their interests be better served by eliminating civil rights – something societies governed by Islamic law do so well?
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EUROPOL concerned about returning ISIS fighters in Balkans
"Kosovars" / Bosnia / Iraq / ISIS / ISIL / Islamic State / Serbia / Sharia / Syria / Syrian Refugees / Yugoslavia

EUROPOL concerned about returning ISIS fighters in Balkans

“…EUROPOL is particularly concerned about the return of women and children who have been indoctrinated in the previous period and have been trained in territories that were under the control of the Islamic State…Someone sent these people here, and sooner or later they will contact their fighters and use them for their goals. They are trained, dangerous…” Continue reading

Europe is Killing Itself…”sleepwalking into disaster” | Pat Condell
"migrant crisis" / 9/11 / Arab Occupation / Arab Racism / European Union / Feminist Betrayal / Islam / Islamic State / Leftist betrayal / Migrants / Sharia / State of Islam / Syrian Refugees

Europe is Killing Itself…”sleepwalking into disaster” | Pat Condell

The places on Earth where Islam dominates are block holes of ignorance and cruelty. It stamps out freedom wherever it gets the upper hand, and non-Muslims are always persecuted, because that is what the religion demands. — Pat Condell Continue reading

ISIS Terrorists provided European ‘Safe Havens’ in Bosnia | Richard Pollack
"migrant crisis" / Arab Occupation / Bill Clinton / Bosnia / Clinton Crimes / European Union / Iran / ISIS / Islam / Islamic State / Serbia / Sharia / Syrian Refugees / US - Iranian Alliance

ISIS Terrorists provided European ‘Safe Havens’ in Bosnia | Richard Pollack

Bosnia and Herzegovina — a Muslim-majority country in southeastern Europe more popularly known as “Bosnia” — have put out the welcome mat to the foreign fighters, making it clear that shelter is available to them.

“Right now, they are forming a perfect safe haven in the underbelly of Europe,” said Jovan Kovacic Continue reading

Honor killings surge in Angela Merkel’s Germany | Soeren Kern
"migrant crisis" / Deutschland / Feminist Betrayal / Germany / Islam / Leftist betrayal / Sharia / State of Islam / Syrian Refugees

Honor killings surge in Angela Merkel’s Germany | Soeren Kern

” In Berlin, a 32-year-old Bosnian, Edin A., murdered his former girlfriend, a 35-year-old German woman named Michelle E., after she ended their abusive relationship. He also abducted and tortured her 12-year-old son, who was forced to watch his mother’s murder.

Neighbors said they had repeatedly alerted the police about Edin A.’s violent behavior, but the police did nothing.” Continue reading

Women Defend Yourselves| Pat Condell
"migrant crisis" / Arab Occupation / European Union / Feminist Betrayal / Islam / Leftist betrayal / Les Refugies / Migrants / Pat Condell / Sharia / State of Islam / Sweden / Syrian Refugees

Women Defend Yourselves| Pat Condell

“Recently in Sweden (where else?), a Syrian man, posing as a child, got two months in jail for raping two girls, one of thirteen, who was dragged into a toilet and raped both vaginally and anally.

He got two months because Sweden’s ‘feminist’ government clearly doesn’t regard rape as a crime worthy of serious punishment.” — Pat Condell Continue reading

“He gets excited by thoughts of beheading Americans, burning people alive and throwing homosexuals off of tall buildings” — Partial List of 76 Terrorist Attacks and Plots in the U.S.
"migrant crisis" / Al Qaeda / Syrian Refugees

“He gets excited by thoughts of beheading Americans, burning people alive and throwing homosexuals off of tall buildings” — Partial List of 76 Terrorist Attacks and Plots in the U.S.

•On February 16, 2016, a court magistrate ruled after hearing the FBI testimony that Khalil Abu-Rayyan, a 21 year old Dearborn, MI man was too much of a threat to public safety and ordered him held without bail. He gets excited by thoughts of beheading Americans, burning people alive and throwing homosexuals off of tall buildings. He’d actually made plans to shoot up a 6,000 member Christians in Detroit, in conversations with an undercover FBI agent.. (If I) can’t go do jihad at the Middle East, I would do my jihad over here.” He also told the agent that “shooting and death make me excited. I love to hear people begging and screaming. … I wish I had my gun.”

“Why is so little is done to examine how this project, the invasive, militant expression and spread of Islam into the West does, in fact, align with elite interests?” Continue reading

Trump’s “travel ban” | “Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States”
"migrant crisis" / Syrian Refugees

Trump’s “travel ban” | “Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States”

“…the United States should not admit those who engage in acts of bigotry or hatred (including “honor” killings, other forms of violence against women, or the persecution of those who practice religions different from their own) or those who would oppress Americans of any race, gender, or sexual orientation…”

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