Taking Over Europe, A Plan Long In The Making | Exposing the MUSLIM  BROTHERHOOD جماعة الاخوان المسلمين
Al Banna / Egypt / Ikwan / Leftist betrayal / Muslim Brotherhood

Taking Over Europe, A Plan Long In The Making | Exposing the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD جماعة الاخوان المسلمين

“There is a fundamental disagreement between the Left and the Muslim Brothers. The Left should not support the Muslim Brothers, because Muslim Brothers destroy everything that the Left stands for. How can I support someone who is against me? That’s my opinion.

“The Muslim Brotherhood’s identity is control and repression; they make people into objects, they put themselves over others, inferiority, loyalty. They follow the same patterns that created Nazism and Fascism.” — KARIMA KAMAL

This is a criminal and impossible goal. It’s an act of war against all European countries, their culture, systems and secularity. — Lafif Lakdor Continue reading