The painful schooling of José Hamra Sasson | Francisco Gil-White goes for the Achilles’
"Palestinians" / 'Grand Mufti of Jerusalem' Haj Amin Al-Husseini / Francisco Gil-White / Germany / Grand Mufti Haj Amin Al-Husseini / Holocaust / Israel / Los Judios / Los Palestinos / Palestinian movement / PLO - FATAH / فلسطين / يهودا و السامرة / إسرائيل

The painful schooling of José Hamra Sasson | Francisco Gil-White goes for the Achilles’

It’s hard to be wrong.  Sometimes it’s even painful, especially when you’ve made a career out of defending the indefensible, the monstrous, the criminal… the sadistic.   If you’re honest, that is. Others will never accept the truth.  The historical record. The evidence. Facing exposure and loss of credibility, they double down. Attack.  Others like José Hamra Sasson. Fortunately –for us anyway– Sasson … Continue reading

A Letter To Palestinian Supporters Tempted To Co-Opt Native American Struggles | Ryan Bellerose, Metis Tribal Member, Canada
"Palestinians" / Anti-Semitism / Canada / Leftist betrayal / Native Americans / Ryan Bellerose / فلسطين / يهودا و السامرة / إسرائيل

A Letter To Palestinian Supporters Tempted To Co-Opt Native American Struggles | Ryan Bellerose, Metis Tribal Member, Canada

“First off, the Arabs are nothing like us. They are descended from colonizers and imperialists who conquered the entire Middle East, much of Africa and Europe and were not gentle with indigenous people. They force converted people, stole language and culture and basically were every bit as bad if not worse than white people in North America.” — Ryan Bellerose Continue reading

“my people’s cause appears to serve merely as a prop for Palestinian propaganda” | Ryan Bellerose, Metis Tribal Member, Canada
Islam / Israel / Native Americans / Palestinian movement / Ryan Bellerose / فلسطين / يهودا و السامرة / إسرائيل

“my people’s cause appears to serve merely as a prop for Palestinian propaganda” | Ryan Bellerose, Metis Tribal Member, Canada

“Like Arabic culture in the Holy Land, white North American culture was imported via empire. Tellingly, Palestinians are silent with respect to the rights of indigenous peoples still dominated by Arab states from Morocco to Iraq.”
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