Swedish Judge appointed to Kosovo reveals Americans hid Albanian War Crimes in new book: JUDGE IN THE COUNTRY OF LAWLESSNESS
"Kosovars" / Albania / CIA / Clinton Crimes / genocide / Greater Albania / KLA / Kosovo / Madeline Albright / NATO / Serbia / Sweden / UN Peacekeepers / Yugoslavia

Swedish Judge appointed to Kosovo reveals Americans hid Albanian War Crimes in new book: JUDGE IN THE COUNTRY OF LAWLESSNESS

“I was dealing with grave criminal cases in Kosovo. Quickly I realized that the Serbs did not have any chance of getting justice in the courts there. The Albanians who committed serious crimes against Serbs were being released, while many Serbs were sentenced without a fair trial.” – Cristar Karphamar, first UN judge appointed to Kosovo after the US-led NATO bombing of 1999 Continue reading

Women Defend Yourselves| Pat Condell
"migrant crisis" / Arab Occupation / European Union / Feminist Betrayal / Islam / Leftist betrayal / Les Refugies / Migrants / Pat Condell / Sharia / State of Islam / Sweden / Syrian Refugees

Women Defend Yourselves| Pat Condell

“Recently in Sweden (where else?), a Syrian man, posing as a child, got two months in jail for raping two girls, one of thirteen, who was dragged into a toilet and raped both vaginally and anally.

He got two months because Sweden’s ‘feminist’ government clearly doesn’t regard rape as a crime worthy of serious punishment.” — Pat Condell Continue reading

Will the Jewish people, will Israel outlive the great civilizations of Europe?     “Europe: The Substitution of a Population” | Giulio Meotti
Belgium / France / Germany / Islam / Israel / Migrants / Sweden

Will the Jewish people, will Israel outlive the great civilizations of Europe? “Europe: The Substitution of a Population” | Giulio Meotti

How many mighty civilizations have the Hebrews outlived over thousands of years?

But for Israel, how many lost, conquered, forsaken nations, and forgotten indigenous tongues, have been reborn, restored? The same will not be true for Italy, Sweden and France. Once lost, it will be forever. In a hundred years, or even fifty, there will be no exiled French families yearning for their homeland to cry out, “Next year in Paris!”
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Easy Prey | Swedish teenage girls sexually assaulted by migrant males bused to concert by organizers
"migrant crisis" / Feminist Betrayal / Leftist betrayal / Sweden / War On Women

Easy Prey | Swedish teenage girls sexually assaulted by migrant males bused to concert by organizers

“The complaints filed in 2015 and 2016 showed that girls aged 14-15 were the most vulnerable” The conditioning of Sweden’s girls continues. “At least ten cases pertain to so-called taharrush gamea [Arabic for “collective harassment”] — where men in groups choose a victim and attack her together. The report quotes Senni Jyrkiäinen, a scholar at … Continue reading

Threatened with death and persecuted by the state | Disturbing interviews with Swedish artists Dan Park and Lars Vilks, and Danish publisher Lars Hedegaard | Ezra Levant
Denmark / Sweden

Threatened with death and persecuted by the state | Disturbing interviews with Swedish artists Dan Park and Lars Vilks, and Danish publisher Lars Hedegaard | Ezra Levant

Why must Lars Hedegaard, an historian and publisher, live with 24/7 armed guard, and face prosecution by the State of Denmark for mentioning in public the name of the Islamic terrorist who came to his home, and, at point blank range, attempted to shoot him in the head?

Europe is witnessing the emergence of a cooperative, if not coordinated effort by European nations and Islamist terrorists to rob artists and intellectuals, not just of their civil liberties — the right to free speech and expression — but of their physical freedom, their safety: Their lives.
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Commemoration or Celebration? | Swedes Exclude Jewish Community from Kristallnacht Remembrance
Kristallnacht / Sweden

Commemoration or Celebration? | Swedes Exclude Jewish Community from Kristallnacht Remembrance

How unfortunate for the good people of Umea, Sweden that some Jews managed to survive the Holocaust, forcing them now to have to exclude them from their “anti-Nazi” event. If only they had all perished… than none of this unpleasantness would be necessary. Obviously there was no alternative for Umea, but to replicate the sort of exclusionary practices enacted by the Third Reich against what remains of … Continue reading