How Bill Clinton, Alija Izetbegovic, and Iran successfully colluded to establish Muslims as the new Jews of Europe
Bosnia / Clinton Crimes / David Duke / Iran / Islam / Leftist betrayal / Yugoslavia

How Bill Clinton, Alija Izetbegovic, and Iran successfully colluded to establish Muslims as the new Jews of Europe

In 1992 the New York Times reported that the Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic himself made an official state visit to Tehran where he met with Iranian leaders and, while appearing on Iranian television, threatened to
use poison gas against the Serbian people.

During his visit he attended a ceremony during which his delegation laid a wreath on the tomb of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the leader of “Iran’s Islamic revolution”.

Hashemi Rafsanjani, the Iranian President at the time, gave assurances to the new Bosnian President that “more significant aid” would be forthcoming…” with senior Iranian officials calling for “retaliatory measures against the Serbs by Muslims across the world” “ in response to what they described was “a new Crusade of Christians against Muslims.”

But the Muslim Bosnian Leadership weren’t just traveling to Tehran. They were visiting Washington too—meeting, in fact, with the leader of the Free World.

On March 26, 1993, just six months after Izetbegovic visited Ayatollah Khomeini’s tomb, he was received by the newly inaugurated President of the United States: Bill Clinton. Continue reading

U.S. – EUROPE Will Teach Iran To Defend its Nukes | Promoting the Aryanization of the Gulf
Aryan - Iran Brotherhood / Codepink / David Duke / European Union / German - Iran Alliance / Iran / Islam / Jodie Evans / Leftist betrayal / US-Iran Alliance

U.S. – EUROPE Will Teach Iran To Defend its Nukes | Promoting the Aryanization of the Gulf

“In 1986, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the mullah who served as President of the Islamic Republic, wrote a letter to German Chancellor Helmut Kohl emphasizing “our common Aryan roots.” Kohl’s Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel liked to speak of “our joint heritage and a 100-year alliance”. Continue reading