“We outwitted three big Jewish organizations” – Manipulating Jewish public opinion to win support for Anti-Semites and Islamic Extremists in Bosnia, and Croatia | James Harff, Director of Ruder Finns’s Global Public affairs section
Bill Clinton / Bosnia / Clinton Crimes / Croatia / Kosovo / Serbia / Yugoslavia

“We outwitted three big Jewish organizations” – Manipulating Jewish public opinion to win support for Anti-Semites and Islamic Extremists in Bosnia, and Croatia | James Harff, Director of Ruder Finns’s Global Public affairs section

“Croatian and Bosnian past was marked by a real and cruel anti-semitism. Tens of thousands of Jews perished in Croatian camps. So there was every reason for intellectuals and Jewish organizations to be hostile towards the Croats and Bosnians. Our challenge was to reverse this attitude. And we succeeded masterfully…
We outwitted three big Jewish organizations – B’Nai Brith Anti-Defamation League, the Jewish Committee, and the American Jewish Congress.”  –  James Harff, Director of Ruder Finns’s Global Public affairs section Continue reading

Examining the curious links between Madeline Albright, Feisal Rauf, Michel Chossudovsky (Global Research) and Hamas
"Kosovars" / "Palestinians" / Bosnia / Feisal Rauf / Gaza / German Anti-Semitism / Germany / Hamas / Ikwan / Incitment to Genocide / Iran / Kosovo / Leftist betrayal / Madeline Albright / Muslim Brotherhood / NATO / Nazi - Arab Alliance / Serbia / Yugoslavia

Examining the curious links between Madeline Albright, Feisal Rauf, Michel Chossudovsky (Global Research) and Hamas

Who knew Nazi propaganda would come to have such currency with the upper echelons of American academia in places like UC Berkeley, Columbia, MIT, and Harvard—that it would be so persuasive, so effective not just with Leftists, but with Jews themselves? Who knew that so many liberal and progressive Jews would one day come to join hands with modern day fascists to champion their own annihilation. It is truly a Nazi wet dream come true. Continue reading

Ashamed Czech  Ex-Lt. Colonel returned NATO medals, “Genocide against Serbs took place in Kosovo, it was genocide  instigated by the West”
Czech Republic / Greater Albania / KLA / Kosovo / Madeline Albright / NATO / Serbia

Ashamed Czech Ex-Lt. Colonel returned NATO medals, “Genocide against Serbs took place in Kosovo, it was genocide instigated by the West”

Genocide against Serbs took place in Kosovo, and it was instigated by the West. For this reason, I am filled with sadness, bitterness and disappointment as I was part of the NATO machinery. I also witnessed how drug lords became respectable officials of the so-called state of Kosovo, and how mass murderers became heroes, Obrtel said in an interview… Continue reading

Novak Djokovic relives NATO bombings of Serbia
Kosovo / NATO / Serbia / Yugoslavia

Novak Djokovic relives NATO bombings of Serbia

Sitting in his grandfather’s apartment in Belgrade, Serbia, Novak Djokovic recalls living through not one, but two wars. The bombings over his home continued for so long that the young Djokovic became used to the sound of planes overhead. Djokovic recounts some of the more harrowing moments and how he used the experience to fuel his success. Continue reading

NATO: Seeking Russia’s Destruction Since 1949 | CounterPunch
Kosovo / NATO / Russia / Serbia / Ukraine / Yugoslavia

NATO: Seeking Russia’s Destruction Since 1949 | CounterPunch

Yanukovich did not want Ukraine to join NATO: he wanted a neutral Ukraine maintaining the traditional close relationship between the Ukraine and Russia. This infuriated Victoria Nuland, the head of the Eurasia desk at the State Department, who has made it her life’s project to pull Ukraine into NATO. This would be NATO’s ultimate prize in eastern Europe: a country of 44 million well-educated people, the size of France, strategically located on the Black Sea historically dominated by the Russian Black Sea Fleet. An ethnically divided country, with a generally pro-Russian and Russian-speaking east, and a more western-oriented Ukrainian-speaking west with an unusually vigorous and fiercely anti-Russian neofascist movement—just there waiting to be used.

Nuland, a former Cheney aide whose neocon worldview drew Hillary Clinton’s favorable attention, resulting in her promotion, is the wife of neocon pundit and Iraq War cheerleader Robert Kagan. (Kagan was a founding member of the notorious Project for a New American Century “think tank”.)  The couple represents two wings of incessant neocon plotting: those who work to destroy Russia, and those who work to destroy the Middle East, consciously using lies to confuse the masses about their real goals. Continue reading

Boris Johnson Forgets the Bombing of Yugoslavia | Jared Israel
Britian / Germany / Kosovo / NATO / Serbia / Yugoslavia

Boris Johnson Forgets the Bombing of Yugoslavia | Jared Israel

It is remarkable that Johnson would forget that war because in 1999 he was in the old European city of Belgrade, capital of Yugoslavia (then consisting of Serbia and Montenegro), as a London Telegraph correspondent covering the last phase of the war: NATO’s unjustified and illegal bombing of Yugoslavia (mainly Serbia and its province of Kosovo) from March 24 to June 10, 1999. Continue reading

Before the Bidens did Ukraine, there was Iraq – and Serbia
"Kosovars" / Albania / Bill Clinton / genocide / Greater Albania / Iraq / Joe Biden / KLA / Kosovo / Serbia / Ukraine / Yugoslavia

Before the Bidens did Ukraine, there was Iraq – and Serbia

Under the nose of the NATO occupation, ostensibly demobilized KLA thugs were given virtually free rein to terrorize the Serbian population, two-thirds of whom were driven out along with Jews and Roma, the rest sheltering in enclaves where they remain to this day. Orthodox Christian churches and monasteries, many of them centuries old, were particular targets for destruction and desecration. KLA commanders – who were also kingpins in the Kosovo Albanian mafia dealing in sex slaves, drugs, weapons, and even human organs – were handed local administration.

In 2007 Senator Biden praised the new order as a “victory for Muslim democracy” and “a much-needed example of a successful U.S.-Muslim partnership.” Continue reading

US used Islamists to arm Bosnians – Official Dutch report says that Pentagon broke UN embargo
"Kosovars" / Albania / Bill Clinton / Bosnia / Clinton Crimes / Fascism / Israel / Joe Biden / KLA / Kosovo / Serbia / Yugoslavia

US used Islamists to arm Bosnians – Official Dutch report says that Pentagon broke UN embargo

The Dutch report reveals how the Pentagon formed a secret alliance with Islamist groups in an Iran-Contra-style operation.

US, Turkish and Iranian intelligence groups worked with the Islamists in what the Dutch report calls the “Croatian pipeline”. Arms bought by Iran and Turkey and financed by Saudi Arabia were flown into Croatia initially by the official Iranian airline, Iran Air, and later in a fleet of black C-130 Hercules aircraft.

The report says that mojahedin fighters were also flown in, and that the US was “very closely involved” in the operation which was in flagrant breach of the embargo. British secret services obtained documents proving that Iran also arranged deliveries of arms directly to Bosnia, it says….

the secret services of Ukraine, Greece and Israel were busy arming the Bosnian Serbs. Mossad, Israel’s secret service, was particularly active, concluding a substantial arms deal with the Bosnian Serbs at Pale in return for the safe passage of the Jewish population of Sarajevo, the Bosnian capital, Prof Aldrich says.

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Battle of Kosovo 1389 – Serbian-Ottoman Wars DOCUMENTARY
"Kosovars" / Islam - Ottoman Empire / Kosovo / Ottoman Empire / Serbia / Turkey

Battle of Kosovo 1389 – Serbian-Ottoman Wars DOCUMENTARY

Battle of Kosovo 1389 – Serbian-Ottoman Wars DOCUMENTARY Albanian ‘historic’ Claims to Kosovo DEBUNKED by discovery of 15th Century Turkish Census Document – More Irrefutable EVIDENCE Serbs are the indigenous people of Kosovo, and, like other Christians, are being targeted for genocide MUST WATCH “We as a nation owe the Serbian people” —- American WW II … Continue reading

Bob Dole’s Corrupted Opinion on Bosnia
"Kosovars" / Bosnia / Croatia / Fascism / Holocaust / Joe Biden / Kosovo / Serbia / War Criminals / World War II / Yugoslavia

Bob Dole’s Corrupted Opinion on Bosnia

It’s also worth mentioning that a Dole staffer advising the then congressman on foreign policy was a Croatian woman named Mira Baratta, granddaughter of an officer of the Ustasha regime (the Nazis’ Croatian incarnation) and daughter of Petar Radielovic, who called Croatian Fuehrer Ante Pavelic “the greatest man in Croatian history” — and who in 1985 defended Andrija Artukovic, “the Himmler of the Balkans” at his L.A. trial. Artukovic had said, “Kill all Serbs and Jews including children so that not even the seeds of the beasts are left.” Baratta helped frame a 1995 Senate bill lifting the U.S. arms embargo against Croatia and Bosnia, and even advocated for the Albanian cause against the Serbs. To quote Richard Perle, “Other than Richard Holbrooke, Baratta has been the most influential individual in shaping U.S. policy” in the Balkans. Continue reading