Ramush Haradinaj, U.S. backed Kosovo Albanian PM aquitted of war crimes after 9 witnesses are murdered — How many more will die before there is justice? (Video)
"Kosovars" / Albania / Joe Biden / KLA / Kosovo / Serbia

Ramush Haradinaj, U.S. backed Kosovo Albanian PM aquitted of war crimes after 9 witnesses are murdered — How many more will die before there is justice? (Video)

Ramush Haradinaj, former KLA leader, former Kosovo prime minister and member of one of the most influential Albanian families with strong criminal connections was yesterday found not guilty on all accounts of the indictment for crimes against the Serbs, Romas and Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija during 1999. ‘The first wrong decision of the trial … Continue reading

U.S. knew Albanian “allies” were murdering hundreds of captive Kosovo Serbs and harvesting their organs (Video)
"Kosovars" / Albania / Human Organ Harvesting / KLA / Kosovo / NATO / Serbia

U.S. knew Albanian “allies” were murdering hundreds of captive Kosovo Serbs and harvesting their organs (Video)

Zora Ristic, wife of Svetozar Ristic, victim of organ harvesting by Albanians describes US complicity:

“It is proved that they were killed in 2000.  They knew where they were!  They knew exactly where the camp was! The camp was in Gnjilane in the boarding school kept by the American soldiers.  My husband was found in the hospital area guarded by American soldiers.  So they took their organs and left them in the hospital area and called us to take the corpses. Who was that?!  They did it personally and made them rich on our account!

He was killed, his head was bashed in,  his organs were taken. That’s how we found him in the hospital area.” Continue reading

Key US ally indicted for organ trade murder scheme
"Kosovars" / Albania / Bill Clinton / Clinton Crimes / Clinton Foundation / Germany / Hillary Clinton / KLA / Kosovo / NATO

Key US ally indicted for organ trade murder scheme

The accusation of murder and organ trafficking against Thaci was first made in 2008 by Carla Del Ponte, the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTFY), in a book she wrote after stepping down from that position. Del Ponte later explained that the ICTFY was prevented from charging Thaci and his co-defendants by the non-cooperation of NATO and the UN Mission in Kosovo. In an interview for the 2014 documentary, The Weight of Chains 2, she explained, “NATO and the KLA, as allies in the war, couldn’t act against each other.” Continue reading

“We as a nation owe the Serbian people” —-  American WW II Airmen Condemn Betrayal of Serbian Allies, Reveal Amazing Rescue ||| Operation Halyard and the Forgotten 500 (Video)
Bosnia / Deutschland / Germany / NATO / Serbia / Ustasha / World War II / Yugoslavia

“We as a nation owe the Serbian people” —- American WW II Airmen Condemn Betrayal of Serbian Allies, Reveal Amazing Rescue ||| Operation Halyard and the Forgotten 500 (Video)

“I get a little emotional sometimes, when I talk about them. But they slept on the floor, while our American boys slept in their beds. They fed them food that they needed for their own family so our boys would be fed. I want to emphasize that we as a nation owe the Serbian people.” ~ Art Jibilian, O.S.S. Agent, “Operation Halyard” Continue reading

Kosovo and Serbia – Israel’s Balkan blunder | MICHAEL FREUND
"Kosovars" / "Palestinians" / Bill Clinton / Clinton Crimes / Donald Trump / genocide / Israel / Kosovo / Serbia

Kosovo and Serbia – Israel’s Balkan blunder | MICHAEL FREUND

“Israeli recognition of Kosovo is an insult to Serbia and it threatens to cast a shadow over the improved relations between the two countries. It also sets a dangerous precedent that could easily be turned around and used against the Jewish state. After all, if Kosovars can unilaterally split apart Serbia to create their own country, why can’t Palestinians in Judea or Israeli Arabs in the Galilee do the same?” ~ MICHAEL FREUND, Former Deputy Communications Director for Benjamin Netanyahu and President of the Israel Serbia Friendship Association Continue reading

Veterans of Bill Clinton’s Bosnian Jihad
Al Qaeda / Bill Clinton / Bosnia / Clinton Crimes / Hillary Clinton / Kosovo / Serbia / Yugoslavia

Veterans of Bill Clinton’s Bosnian Jihad

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, mastermind of the 9/11 attacks Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, involved in the attack on the USS Cole; Mamdouh Mahmud Salim, involved in the August 1998 US embassy bombings in East Africa Abu Hamza al-Masri, the spiritual father of the July 2005 London Underground bombings Zaki ur-Rehman Lakhvi, one of the participants in the … Continue reading