“People cannot be made obedient except with the sword! ”  Islam… a religion of peace? | The Culture of Islam – Francisco Gil-White
"Palestinians" / Bosnia / Deutschland / Francisco Gil-White / Iran / Islam / Palestinian movement / PLO - FATAH / Yugoslavia

“People cannot be made obedient except with the sword! ” Islam… a religion of peace? | The Culture of Islam – Francisco Gil-White

“Islam says: Whatever good there is exists thanks to the sword and in the shadow of the sword! People cannot be made obedient except with the sword! The sword is the key to paradise, which can be opened only for holy warriors! “[4] — Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

“Earlier this month [December 2006] during his visit to Istanbul, [Pope] Benedict [XVI] backed Turkey’s admission into the EU, prayed toward Mecca in a mosque, and called Islam ‘a religion of peace, tolerance, and love.’”[1]

Pope Benedict XVI prays barefoot at the Blue Mosque

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Fake News? How Clinton-backed Muslim Forces Staged Atrocities To Fabricate Muslim Victimhood In Bosnia (Video)
Bosnia / Croatia / Deutschland / Iran / Serbia / Turkey / Yugoslavia

Fake News? How Clinton-backed Muslim Forces Staged Atrocities To Fabricate Muslim Victimhood In Bosnia (Video)

Europeans take heed. In the 1990s, the Muslim leadership in Bosnia under the US installed, Iranian financed operative Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic orchestrated numerous mass atrocities against their own people in a campaign to destabilize and dismantle the Partisan nation of Yugoslavia. As seen in the short video clip below, gruesome, horrific attacks against Bosnian Muslim civilians were staged with television cameras at the ready.  This was well known, and documented by … Continue reading

A Letter To Palestinian Supporters Tempted To Co-Opt Native American Struggles | Ryan Bellerose, Metis Tribal Member, Canada
"Palestinians" / Anti-Semitism / Canada / Leftist betrayal / Native Americans / Ryan Bellerose / فلسطين / يهودا و السامرة / إسرائيل

A Letter To Palestinian Supporters Tempted To Co-Opt Native American Struggles | Ryan Bellerose, Metis Tribal Member, Canada

“First off, the Arabs are nothing like us. They are descended from colonizers and imperialists who conquered the entire Middle East, much of Africa and Europe and were not gentle with indigenous people. They force converted people, stole language and culture and basically were every bit as bad if not worse than white people in North America.” — Ryan Bellerose Continue reading

Iran Arrests Labor Leaders In Advance of International Worker’s Day | 230 people were arrested in peaceful labor protests between March 2014 to March 2015
Iran / Labor / Leftist betrayal

Iran Arrests Labor Leaders In Advance of International Worker’s Day | 230 people were arrested in peaceful labor protests between March 2014 to March 2015

Where are the protests from CODEPINK, Noam Chomsky, ANSWER, and Michel Chossudovsky in Solidarity with the Iranian workers? Where is the reporting on DemocracyNow? That’s right. They’re too busy attacking the one nation in the region that protects the rights of Labor. Continue reading

“my people’s cause appears to serve merely as a prop for Palestinian propaganda” | Ryan Bellerose, Metis Tribal Member, Canada
Islam / Israel / Native Americans / Palestinian movement / Ryan Bellerose / فلسطين / يهودا و السامرة / إسرائيل

“my people’s cause appears to serve merely as a prop for Palestinian propaganda” | Ryan Bellerose, Metis Tribal Member, Canada

“Like Arabic culture in the Holy Land, white North American culture was imported via empire. Tellingly, Palestinians are silent with respect to the rights of indigenous peoples still dominated by Arab states from Morocco to Iraq.”
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Banning child marriage is “un-Islamic” and “blasphemous” says Council of Islamic Ideology in Pakistan | Washington Post

Banning child marriage is “un-Islamic” and “blasphemous” says Council of Islamic Ideology in Pakistan | Washington Post

“Pakistani lawmakers had to withdraw a bill aimed at curbing the practice of child marriage after a prominent religious body declared the legislation un-Islamic….the Council of Islamic Ideology, a constitutional body which gives advice to parliament on the compatibility of laws with Sharia, appeared to slap down the legislation after deeming it “un-Islamic” and “blasphemous,” according to Agence France Presse. It had already handed down a similar ruling in 2014.

The council has garnered opprobrium in the past. In 2013, reports AFP, “it suggested making DNA inadmissible evidence in rape cases, instead calling for the revival of an Islamic law that makes it mandatory for a survivor to provide four witnesses to back their claims.” ”
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“such persons must be stoned”| Transgender women stoned by 3 North African men in German city | Can Caitlyn Jenner handle this?
Deutschland / Germany / LGBT / Sharia

“such persons must be stoned”| Transgender women stoned by 3 North African men in German city | Can Caitlyn Jenner handle this?

“…it was the first time in 30 years she felt unsafe as a transgender woman.”

“Lethal homophobia is widespread in the Arab world and Iran. A 2008 British Wikileaks dispatch noted that the Islamic Republic of Iran has executed “between 4,000 and 6,000 gays and lesbians” since the Islamic revolution in 1979.” Continue reading

Expelled Science Po University Student Amira Jumaa,  “You don’t belong anywhere in this world — that’s why you guys are scum and rats and discriminated against wherever you are.”
"Palestinians" / Anti-Semitism / French Anti-Semitism / Incitment to Genocide / Israel / Nazi - Islamic Alliance / Palestinian movement / فلسطين / إسرائيل / الكويت

Expelled Science Po University Student Amira Jumaa, “You don’t belong anywhere in this world — that’s why you guys are scum and rats and discriminated against wherever you are.”

“I am not an immigrant from France. I am from Kuwait so my country can buy you and your parents and put you in ovens.”

“To quote one Jewish commentator: “Europeans don’t kill Jews with their own hands now, but with other people’s…” Muslims have become the ideal surrogate for European anti-Semitism—the righteous executioners of the Jews.” Continue reading