Bob Dole’s Corrupted Opinion on Bosnia
"Kosovars" / Bosnia / Croatia / Fascism / Holocaust / Joe Biden / Kosovo / Serbia / War Criminals / World War II / Yugoslavia

Bob Dole’s Corrupted Opinion on Bosnia

It’s also worth mentioning that a Dole staffer advising the then congressman on foreign policy was a Croatian woman named Mira Baratta, granddaughter of an officer of the Ustasha regime (the Nazis’ Croatian incarnation) and daughter of Petar Radielovic, who called Croatian Fuehrer Ante Pavelic “the greatest man in Croatian history” — and who in 1985 defended Andrija Artukovic, “the Himmler of the Balkans” at his L.A. trial. Artukovic had said, “Kill all Serbs and Jews including children so that not even the seeds of the beasts are left.” Baratta helped frame a 1995 Senate bill lifting the U.S. arms embargo against Croatia and Bosnia, and even advocated for the Albanian cause against the Serbs. To quote Richard Perle, “Other than Richard Holbrooke, Baratta has been the most influential individual in shaping U.S. policy” in the Balkans. Continue reading

Kusturica is making a film about the horrors in Jasenovac Death Camp – where the families of Tesla and Herzl were murdered by Croatian Nazi Collaborators
Croatia / Fascism / genocide / Holocaust / Israel / Nazis / Serbia / Vatican / War Criminals / Yugoslavia

Kusturica is making a film about the horrors in Jasenovac Death Camp – where the families of Tesla and Herzl were murdered by Croatian Nazi Collaborators

Greif adds that the focus of this film will be the fate of two world-famous families, Tesla and Herzl, and notes that 14 members of the Tesla family and 13 members of the Herzl family were brutally killed in Jasenovac.

…we must make every effort to document the crimes committed by the German Nazis and the Croatian Ustashas. Film, as well as literature, can bring the truth to the world… We should make as many films as necessary so that Jasenovac and Auschwitz never happen again – Greif said for “Politika”. Continue reading

III. The Special Characteristics of Nazi Criminality
'Grand Mufti of Jerusalem' Haj Amin Al-Husseini / Fascism / genocide / Holocaust / Incitment to Genocide / Nazis

III. The Special Characteristics of Nazi Criminality

In this environment, the logical consequence of unconstrained and unlimited hatred of the Jews, – or of any similar group, – was their total loss of rights and physical annihilation. Wildt identifies the correlation between a policy that branded the Jews as the national enemy and the removal of legal and moral boundaries, which the protection of the law had assured. He explained the nature of the total, genocidal antisemitism which Leers and others propagated, particularly in the Arab world. Continue reading

The beautiful PEACE Joe Biden helped to destroy in Yugoslavia — Bijelo Dugme – Lipe cvatu – (LIVE) – (1987)
"Kosovars" / Albania / Bill Clinton / Bosnia / Clinton Crimes / Croatia / Fascism / Germany / Greater Albania / Hillary Clinton / Joe Biden / Madeline Albright / NATO / Serbia / War Criminals / Yugoslavia

The beautiful PEACE Joe Biden helped to destroy in Yugoslavia — Bijelo Dugme – Lipe cvatu – (LIVE) – (1987)

These people had a beautiful life in a beautiful country: Yugoslavia. The list of war criminals is long. First among them is Joe Biden, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Madeline Albright, Wesley Clark, Richard Holbrook and their many counterparts in the UK, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy. None has been brought to justice. Each should have been … Continue reading

“Orthodox Serbs in Croatia barely escaped COMPLETE EXTERMINATION” | Genocide in Satellite Croatia, 1941-1945. | Edmund Paris
Bosnia / Croatia / genocide / German War Criminals / Holocaust / Nazis / Serbia / Ustasha / Vatican / War Criminals / World War II

“Orthodox Serbs in Croatia barely escaped COMPLETE EXTERMINATION” | Genocide in Satellite Croatia, 1941-1945. | Edmund Paris

…during the years 1941-1945, in the satellite state of Croatia under the government of Croatian fascists, known as the Ustashi, supported by the Axis powers, as well as by the Croatian Catholic hierarchy, with the knowledge of the Vatican.

In order to justify his policy of extermination, the Sultan, Abdual Hamid, was known to say: “The way to get rid of the Armenian question is to get rid of the Armenians.”

This same maxim was adopted by the Croatian nationalists and clericals concerning the Serbian question in Croatia. According to the statutes of the Ustashi organization, “the name Ustashi was to be given to those who, in pre-war Yugoslavia, swore that by the destruction of the Yugoslav State he [they] helped in the extermination of Serbianism and the Orthodox Church.” (Nova Hrvatska, May 4, 1941.)

…the Orthodox Serbs in Croatia barely escaped complete extermination.

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Biden vows US troops will “shoot and kill” in defense of Albanian Narco-Terrorists “until job is finished”
"Kosovars" / Albania / Bill Clinton / Clinton Crimes / Fascism / Greater Albania / KLA / Serbia / War Criminals

Biden vows US troops will “shoot and kill” in defense of Albanian Narco-Terrorists “until job is finished”

00:00 i will continue
00:03 with every fiber in my being 00:07 to keep america involved
00:10 with troops that can shoot and kill
00:14 to protect the rights of the albanians
00:19 wherever they reside in the balkans
00:23 we should stay till the job is finished Continue reading

Biden (and Sanders) MUST answer for authorizing the bombing Serbia in violation of international law
"Kosovars" / Albania / Fascism / Joe Biden / Serbia

Biden (and Sanders) MUST answer for authorizing the bombing Serbia in violation of international law

Biden co-sponsored the Senate resolution authorizing the strikes, which had even less of a legal and ethical backing than the Obama administration’s interference in Libya. Biden full-throatedly cheered Obama’s bid to oust Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi during the nation’s civil war, even though Congress never authorized the war. In the case of the Serbian bombings, Clinton and NATO violated international law both by specifically targeting civilians and because the U.N. Security Council never authorized the strikes. (The Labour Party of the U.K., which endorsed the campaign, admitted the strikes were indeed illegal.)

But again, Biden’s whole brand is kind-of-illegal wars, so the Serbia thing is fine. Continue reading