Honor killings surge in Angela Merkel’s Germany | Soeren Kern
"migrant crisis" / Deutschland / Feminist Betrayal / Germany / Islam / Leftist betrayal / Sharia / State of Islam / Syrian Refugees

Honor killings surge in Angela Merkel’s Germany | Soeren Kern

” In Berlin, a 32-year-old Bosnian, Edin A., murdered his former girlfriend, a 35-year-old German woman named Michelle E., after she ended their abusive relationship. He also abducted and tortured her 12-year-old son, who was forced to watch his mother’s murder.

Neighbors said they had repeatedly alerted the police about Edin A.’s violent behavior, but the police did nothing.” Continue reading

Can Trump be trusted? Professor Francisco Gil-White shows, when it comes to Israel, Iran, the PLO, and Jihad, it’s wise to be wary
"Palestinians" / Francisco Gil-White / Iran / Israel / PLO - FATAH

Can Trump be trusted? Professor Francisco Gil-White shows, when it comes to Israel, Iran, the PLO, and Jihad, it’s wise to be wary

“Can Trump (assuming he wants to) transform US foreign policy in the Middle East? To get a sense for how difficult this might be, we must appreciate how traditional the pro-jihadi policy has been. (It wasn’t just Obama.)” — Professor Francisco Gil-White

Like the ancient Christian Orthodox communities in the Balkans who are now waking up to the fact that Trump (in league with his arch nemesis George Soros no less!) is energetically continuing the criminal policy of regional destabilization by promoting the creation of a greater Islamic Albania illegally carved out of Montenegro, Serbia, Greece and Macedonia, those who hoped for a meaningful change in U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East may be in for a sobering reality check. Continue reading