What they don’t want you to know:  The US – EU – NATO backed Kosovo Albanian regime links to al Qaeda and heroin trafficking | The Washington Times
"Kosovars" / Al Qaeda / al-Qaida / Albania / Bill Clinton / Bosnia / CIA / Clinton Crimes / Croatia / European Union / Hezbollah / Iran / Islam / KLA / Kosovo / Macedonia / Madeline Albright / Saudi Arabia / Serbia / Yugoslavia

What they don’t want you to know: The US – EU – NATO backed Kosovo Albanian regime links to al Qaeda and heroin trafficking | The Washington Times

“The intelligence reports document what is described as a “link” between bin Laden, the fugitive Saudi millionaire, and the KLA [Albanian “Kosovo Liberation Army”] –including a common staging area in Tropoje, Albania, a center for Islamic terrorists. The reports said bin Laden’s organization, known as al-Qaeda, has both trained and financially supported the KLA.

Many border crossings into Kosovo by “foreign fighters” also have been documented and include veterans of the militant group Islamic Jihad from Bosnia, Chechnya and Afghanistan…
Jane’s International Defense Review, a highly respected British Journal, reported in February that documents found last year on the body of a KLA member showed that he had escorted several volunteers into Kosovo, including more than a dozen Saudi Arabians. Each volunteer carried a passport identifying him as a Macedonian Albanian.” Continue reading

“I am proud of my likeness to the Fuhrer because, like him, I fought against the Serbs – my enemies.” | Hitler lookalike pays tribute to Albanian Fascist past in Kosovo
"Palestinians" / Albania / Bill Clinton / Clinton Crimes / Deutschland / genocide / Germany / Greater Albania / KLA / Kosovo / Macedonia / NATO / Nazis / Serbia / World War II / Yugoslavia

“I am proud of my likeness to the Fuhrer because, like him, I fought against the Serbs – my enemies.” | Hitler lookalike pays tribute to Albanian Fascist past in Kosovo

Kosovo is in fact an ideal location for Emin to dress and act like Hitler…

“People respect me here,” he said. “Young, old, men, women children. They all greet me with a ‘Heil Hitler.’”

“I am proud of my likeness to the Fuhrer because, like him, I fought against the Serbs – my enemies. It is easy. I find myself in Hitler’s character because he fought against my enemy. Enemy of my enemy is my friend. Yes, Serbs are my enemies, I make no bones about that.” Continue reading

Albanian Mafia fueling Al Qaeda terrorist activity in US: Kosovo schools and orphanages open | Five Families of New York City
"Kosovars" / Al Qaeda / Albania / Clinton Crimes / KLA / Kosovo / Macedonia

Albanian Mafia fueling Al Qaeda terrorist activity in US: Kosovo schools and orphanages open | Five Families of New York City

“They are a hardened group, operating with reckless abandon,” said Chris Swecker, the FBI assistant director for the Criminal Investigative Division according to a CNN report.

Interpol stated that “Kosovo Albanian Mafia hold the largest share of the heroin market in Switzerland, in Austria, in Belgium, in Germany, in Hungary, in the Czech Republic, in Norway, and in Sweden.”

The head of Sweden’s anti drug unit believes that the gangs supplied “hundreds, maybe thousands, of kilos of heroin” to the Scandinavian countries. The Albanian Muslim Mafia clans are dispersed in Kosovo and Macedonia as well as Albania proper.”

Most if not all of the KLA has been trained and financially supported by Al Qaeda…
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The 21st Albanian Nazi SS Division Skanderbeg’s role in the Holocaust
"Kosovars" / Albania / Anti-Semitism / Deutschland / Fascism / genocide / Greater Albania / Holocaust / Kosovo / Macedonia / Nazi - Islamic Alliance / Nazis / Serbia / War Criminals / Yugoslavia

The 21st Albanian Nazi SS Division Skanderbeg’s role in the Holocaust

“From 1941 to 1944, Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini created a Greater Albania that was made up of Kosovo and Western Macedonia. Kosovo was regarded as the “New Albania” and “the annexed territories”, but Kosovo was part of Hitler’s Greater Albania nonetheless.”

“The Albanian government and Albanian authorities took an active part in the extermination of Albanian Jews: In June, 1943 the Albanian police chief suggested the jailing of certain Jews:

“According to our investigation the Jews listed below are dangerous because they are propaganderizing [sic] against the Axis (Rome-Berlin) and they want to organize and hold meetings. We think these people should be taken away from here as soon as possible to one of the concentration fields, because their staying here could be dangerous to the regime.” ”

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US Bombers arrive in Macedonia ahead of U.S. – backed Albanian – ISIS Offensive against Serbian Christians in Kosovo
"Kosovars" / Bill Clinton / Clinton Crimes / Donald Trump / genocide / Greater Albania / Hillary Clinton / Iraq / ISIS / ISIL / Islam / KLA / Kosovo / Macedonia / Madeline Albright / Serbia / Syria / United Nations / Yugoslavia

US Bombers arrive in Macedonia ahead of U.S. – backed Albanian – ISIS Offensive against Serbian Christians in Kosovo

Ostensibly these American bombers are being brought in for NATO exercises.  Many see it as an implied threat of  war against the Serbian people should they act to defend the Serbian Christian enclaves in the province of Kosovo from a planned attack by the US backed Albanian military and ethnic Albanian ISIS fighters who recently … Continue reading

Washington “green lights” massive attack  on Serbian Christians in Northern Kosovo by Albania forces and ISIS terrorists – in time for Hillary Clinton visit
"Kosovars" / Bill Clinton / Clinton Crimes / Donald Trump / Greater Albania / Hillary Clinton / ISIS / ISIS / ISIL / Islamic State / KLA / Kosovo / Macedonia / NATO / United Nations

Washington “green lights” massive attack on Serbian Christians in Northern Kosovo by Albania forces and ISIS terrorists – in time for Hillary Clinton visit

The action is projected to have two phases.
In the first one, the ROSU SWAT team is due to attack and will receive assistance on the ground from KFOR soldiers, who will take key points and roads in the north.
The second phase involves the inclusion of soldiers from Albania dressed in KSF [Kosovo Security Force] uniforms. More than 100 Albanian specialists are ready to take full control on the ground…. Continue reading

Stolen Kosovo (Czech: Uloupené Kosovo, Serbian: Украдено Косово, Ukradeno Kosovo) with English titles – Documentary by Director Václav Dvořák [VIDEO]
"Kosovars" / Albania / Bill Clinton / Clinton Crimes / Grand Mufti Haj Amin Al-Husseini / Greater Albania / Hillary Clinton / Holocaust / Islam / Islam - Ottoman Empire / KLA / Kosovo / Macedonia / Serbia / Turkey

Stolen Kosovo (Czech: Uloupené Kosovo, Serbian: Украдено Косово, Ukradeno Kosovo) with English titles – Documentary by Director Václav Dvořák [VIDEO]

URGENT PETITION – Stop the Persecution of Serbian Christians in Kosovo and Metohija Continue reading

“Kosovars and Albanians from Macedonia should be part of Kosovo and the rest of Macedonia should be part of Bulgaria” | U.S. Cong. Dana Rohrabacher promotes creation of ‘Greater Albanian’ on Albanian TV Vizion Plus
"Kosovars" / Albania / Greater Albania / KLA / Kosovo / Macedonia

“Kosovars and Albanians from Macedonia should be part of Kosovo and the rest of Macedonia should be part of Bulgaria” | U.S. Cong. Dana Rohrabacher promotes creation of ‘Greater Albanian’ on Albanian TV Vizion Plus

“There is such a division in their country they will never be able to live together in the future. For this reason, Kosovars and Albanians from Macedonia should be part of Kosovo and the rest of Macedonia should be part of Bulgaria or any other country to which they believe they are related,” he was cited as saying by Bulgarian news wire BGNES in a translation from Albanian.

“The idea is to keep Macedonia alive because someone 30 years ago decided it is a configuration that should come out of the dismantling of Yugoslavia,” Rohrabacher continued.
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