"Palestinians" / 'Grand Mufti of Jerusalem' Haj Amin Al-Husseini / Anti-Semitism / Arab Occupation / Eugenics / Francisco Gil-White / Gaza / genocide / Grand Mufti Haj Amin Al-Husseini / Hamas / Holocaust / Incitment to Genocide / INFORMATION WARFARE / Islam - Ottoman Empire / Israel / Nazi - Arab Alliance / Nazism and the Palestinian Movement / Palestina / PLO - FATAH / World War II

Francisco Gil-White: This is What People Who Support Palestine Should Know

“Gaza is really a military a militarized state.  It’s a, it’s a gigantic military terrorist infrastructure that is camouflaged with structures that the media then gets to call civilian infrastructures so that Israel can be accused every time it responds to Hamas’s attack. But Israel does everything it can to avoid civilian casualties.”

“I’ll give you just one statistic. It’s an eloquent statistic. In the Arab Revolt that goes from 1936 to 1939, which was an
[…] these Arab workers were doing way better than they had done as semi slave peasants of the Arab landowning class right.  So this whole idea that the Jews came to destroy our Palestinian life it’s just nonsense.  The best thing that ever happened to those Arabs is that the Jews arrived uh in in in big numbers to create a Jewish State and you can see it today.”
  ~ Professor Francisco Gil-White

what is if if if we could just wrap up

with with you know with one truth that

needs to hear needs to hear in this

conversation you know the the people who

waving the Palestinian flags and we

without knowing all of the context what

should they know about this well the

thing that I would say to them is that

woke was actually created by the

anti-semites and it began woke began

with an attack on Israel it was done by

Edward S and uh well even before that by

uh people like

um uh Willie Brandt and and uh what was

the name of the Austrian Chancellor uh

he’s even more important Bruno KY so

Bruno KY was the uh austern Chancellor

uh and there’s all kinds of evidence to

show that Bruno KY although he called

himself a Jew he Bruno KY was actually


anti-semite uh and so he invited Arafat

over for a big conference and um

uh it was not just him uh as I said the

the German Chancellor also showed up and

they had this big thing where they they

declared that the the the PLO was

fighting for leftist goal so they

dressed up the PLO in leftist Garb uh

and then people like Edward S and and

and others uh uh push this as

well and this is where the thing began

to turn because they the the push from

these leaders of the international left

was so strong uh there was so

much media support for what they were

doing and academic support in the

universities for what they were doing

that people ended up


that the Palestinians were fighting an


fight okay so so Israel which was born

as The Refuge for the victims of

European imperialism right the biggest

victims of European imperialism were the

Jews uh the Jews were murdered on mass

in Europe in in World War II uh so the

biggest victims of the European power

elite the Western power

elite took refuge in the state of Israel

they created a state to protect

themselves from

persecution so the in in that original

narrative which is the correct narrative

the Jews are the underdog they’re

they’re seeking to escape and that

narrative held for a few years after the

war after the creation of the state of

Israel I remember this when I was a

child in the

1970s uh in

Mexico the adults around me were all

admirers of Israel Catholics but they

were admirers of Israel

because they could they the the H the

memory of World War II was still fresh


and they could see that the Arab states

were banding together to try to destroy

Israel and repeat the genocide there

when Israel won its Wars against all the

combined Arab states uh the adults

around me would say things like you know

the Israelis are tremendous it’s wow I

mean that’s they’ve it’s incredible what

they’ve done and blah blah blah and it

all words of admiration and the framing

for all of that was you know these guys

who barely who are barely alive because

the Nazis tried to kill them all um are

are doing a miracle in the Middle East

and and the ABS keep trying to kill them

and and they keep winning the wars and

they’ve got a thriving State and all of

this and wow pure admiration Israel was

the underdog right and if there’s

something that’s fundamental to Le left

identity the left can be transformed

into many things but the thing it will

never abandon is the claim to be

fighting for the underdog that’s what

defines the left the self identity of

the left right whether it’s true or not

that’s the label they always put on

themselves that’s what identifies them

as leftists it’s the the only the only

thing that is consistent across all

people who label themselves as leftists

is that they they claim to be fighting

for the underdog so what they did in the

1970s is that they turned the

Palestinians into the underdog that’s

what they did that’s what they did with

the media system so they they portrayed

the Israelis as oppressors of the

Palestinians which is completely false

what so you asked me what would be the

message to the people who are now

defending Hamas the message is if you if

you really think the Palestinians are

the underdog and there’s a sense in

which they are there’s no question that

the Arab Palestinians are suffering a

oppression but the people oppressing

them as always are the anti-semites

those are the oppressors Hamas is a

terrorist totalitarian organization

people talk about Israel is hitting

civilian Targets in

Gaza there are no civilian Targets in

Gaza Gaza is itself a terrorist military

structure because it is governed by

Hamas that is a terrorist military

organization and Hamas has put his it’s

terrorist military infrastructure all

over Gaza their headquarters are in a

hospital there is no civilian in

infrastructure in Gaza that’s a media

myth it’s designed to make it impossible

for people to

think there is no civilian

infrastructure in Gaza the entire the

Hamas is

all they’re they they’re all over the

tunnels of Gaza the entire

tunnel in all underneath Gaza they’re

all over they’re military hardware and

and communication systems it’s all over

so Gaza is really a military a

militarized state it’s a it’s a gigantic

military terrorist infrastructure that

is camouflaged with structures that the

media then gets to call civilian

infrastructures so that Israel can be

accused every time it responds to

hamas’s attacks but Israel does

everything it can to avoid civilian

casualties Israel sends

uh you know millions of emails and makes

thousands of phone calls and drops

billions of little papers uh leaflets

telling people to evacuate before they

do an operation which of course destroys

their element of surprise right

so this is who’s oppressing the Gaza

Palestinians Hamas is oppressing the

Gaza Palestinians because Hamas is

hellbent on a genocidal war and it needs

the Gaza Palestinians complete

completely subdued and uh supportive of

that genocidal War uh which requires

that they be completely oppressed and

indoctrinated so uh Hamas controls the

media system and the educational system

and whoever disagrees with Hamas they

don’t even have to say that they’re in

favor of Israel they just have to

disagree with Hamas on anything and they

will immediately be uh considered

Israeli collaborators and people will

knock on their door and and murder them

and their families this has been going

on pamina husseini was doing this in the

early 20th century the the local uh

Arabs in British mandate Palestine

didn’t want to go out and kill Jews

because they were flourishing with the

economic boom that the zionists were

producing that’s why there was so much

Arab Muslim immigration into Palestine

at the same time that the Zionist Jews

were coming because they created an

economic boom and they didn’t want to

fight the Jews why would they want to

fight the Jews the the the the the

Jewish IM Zionist immigration to to

British mandate Palestine was freeing

the Arabs the situation that they had

there was feudal they had these um uh uh

feudal Lords the effendi uh uh uh the

the Ayan uh status was the highest class

of the effendi and these were feudal

Lords uh uh like in the Middle Ages in

Europe and and the tons the the The

Peasants were basically slaves they were

dead slaves cuz they couldn’t get out of

their debts with these feudal Lords so

when the zionists came in and started

buying up the land cuz they bought it

they bought it from uh uh uh Arab land

owners who had title and wanted to sell

nobody nobody took land Away by force

from anyone that that those well

actually husseini did uh from from

Samaras but the Jews didn’t uh and what

husseini was doing is he was uh

threatening the small Arab landowners if

they dared sell land to the Jews who

were paying a lot of money for the land

so it was a good opportunity for these

small small holders uh but if anybody

dared sell land to the Jews husseini and

his terrorists would would go to them

kill them kill their families so

everybody learned that you if you were a

small land land owner you wouldn’t sell

money you wouldn’t sell land to the Jews

because you would get killed so husseini

would then go and tell these same small

holders he would sayl I’ll buy it I’ll

buy it but sell it to me but of course

they had a gun to their heads so so the

price was

um a PR an extortion price very very low

uh so he bought all that land on the

cheap and and he husin who was a member

of one of the biggest landh holding Arab

families would consolidate these lands

that he would buy from the small holders

and then he would say sell them through

a cousin to the Jewish agency and then

he would use the money that the Jewish

agency was paying for those lands to

organize the terrorist movement against

Jewish civilians but because the Arabs

ordinary Arabs mostly didn’t want to

participate in that violence I’ll give

you just one statistic it’s an eloquent

statistic in the Arab Revolt that goes

from 1936 to 1939 which was an

incredible amount of Mayhem uh in


violence directed against Jewish

civilians ha Hussein’s forces oh by the

way the that Arab Revolt was carried out

with arms sent by musolini and Hitler in

the Arab Revolt husseini managed to kill

four 400 Jews you know how many Arabs he

killed more than

2,000 more than 2,000 so husseini was

killing more fellow Arabs than he was

killing Jews why because these people

didn’t want to kill Jews not yet they

haven’t been indoctrinated by Decades of

poison in their schools yet they had

just immigrated there and they and and

some of them had been peons in the uh uh

feudal Estates of the uh Arab power

elite uh and they were finding new New

Opportunities the the the the Zionist

Jews coming into the British mandate

Palestine were mostly marxists whose

ideology was we have to be solidary with

the Arab worker that’s what they

believed so they were welcoming these

Arab workers into their kbim to as as

laborers and in their Industries as

laborers and the these Arab workers were

doing way better than they had done as

semi slave peasants of the uh Arab

landowning class right so this whole

idea that the Jews came to destroy our

Palestinian life it’s just nonsense the

best thing that ever happened to those

Arabs is that the Jews arrived uh in in

in big numbers to create a Jewish State

and you can see it

today the the Arab Muslims that have

rights in the Middle East the ones that

can vote that can have access to the

legal system that can elect the

representatives uh to the parliament uh

those are the the Arab pales Ians who

live in Israel they even have a member

of the Supreme Court who’s an Arab

Palestinian and if they want to serve in

the army they can serve in the Army

the the the the Muslims who are slaves

the the ones who should be the

uh Center of protest movements in the

west are the Muslims who live in Muslim

states and also the slaves of the

Muslims because in Saudi Arabia Qatar

bahin uh uh uh we to all of these

countries they’re full of slaves people

don’t know this but there are actual

formal slaves people who immigrate there

you know from the Philippines and and

and uh other parts of uh uh southeast

Asia and so forth who looking for a job

and their promised jobs in Saudi Arabia

and Kuwait and so forth so they go there

uh thinking you know this is an

opportunity and when they get there they

take their passports away and they can

never leave again they become actual

slaves with a master uh in a home in an

Arab Muslim home there’s a huge

population of slaves in these countries

you don’t see the woke people uh

Marching In the Streets to free those

people uh why not and I think the the

answer is going back to the the question

is that that the what we now call woke

the anti-colonialism and all that

nonsense um that

was that movement made it a lithos

test that you are not a good person not

a good leftist unless you are supporting

the Arab Palestinian people that’s and

which in in the end means supporting the

terrorist organizations that uh that

claim to represent them right so if you

don’t do this you’re not a good leftist

it’s a litmus test it’s a flag it’s a

it’s an identity mechanism it’s like a

secret handshake so if if uh and it

doesn’t matter what other positions you

take if you’re not

supporting uh uh p fatak uh and and

Hamas uh if you’re not supporting the

Palestinian struggle as they call it uh

then you you’re just not membering good

standing of that Community uh and people

don’t want to be expelled by their own

tribe so uh this this this is the glue

that has kept this movement together and

and and growing because people want to

Signal their virtue now this this this

um virtue signaling term is actually

quite useful uh the the grammar of the

left requires you all the time to be

signaling your virtue how do you signal

your what is the most important virtue

signal the most important virtue signal

is you oppose Israel Israel is the bad

guy that’s the most important virtue

signal for leftists today and what that

means is that they’ve been poisoned by

the Nazis they’ve been poisoned by the

eugenicists they’ve been poisoned by the

system that is promoting radical Islam

against uh the Jewish State because it’s

trying once again to sink the entire

West into a totalitarian equilibrium and

if they succeed uh we may never get out

of that hole uh because the world has

changed uh we are in

a I I think it’s it’s possible for them

now to produce a permanent uh right-wing

totalitarian nightmare uh so leftists

should be worried about that that’s what

they should be worried about and uh so

that would be my message if you were

worried if if you are an honest defender

of Arab Palestinians you should be an

opponent of Hamas because Hamas is

killing the Arab Palestinian children

this is the the article I just published

the UN is allied with Hamas and is

allied with pilo fatak and they are

killing the Arab Palestinian children

they they destroy their minds in the

schools when they’re very young they

start teaching them that the thing that

they have to Aspire to is genocide that

the that the best thing they can do as

adults when they grow up or even as

children is to die as a Shahid as a

quote unquote martyr uh for the Islamic

cause uh to destroy the Jewish people

right that’s what they tell them this is

the poison that they put in their minds

from a very early age and they use them

as suicide bombers they use children as

human Shields right so if if I think it

is correct to Def the Arab Palestinians

I do believe that I’m not saying we

shouldn’t defend them we should defend

them they are being oppressed but

they’re not being oppressed by Israel

they’re being oppressed by Hamas they’re

being oppressed by P fatak Islamic Jihad

Hezbollah all of these groups are

oppressing Arabs uh the government of

Saudi Arabia the government of Qatar uh

all of these the government of Iran

those are the oppressors of Arabs and we

should def the West should be Refuge for

uh the people who want to escape the

clutches of Islam just like the West Was

a refuge for the people who wanted to

escape the clutches of Communism that is

the proper relationship of the free West

to these other systems and uh if they

really want to be good people instead of

signaling their virtue and pretending to

be good people which is what they’re

doing right now then they really need to

start defending the are Palestinians uh

and that means supporting Israel’s uh

eort to defeat those


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